New Mobile-friendly Website for Mental Health Consulting Charity

mental health consulting newcastle north east yorkshire


NECS provides counselling and other mental wellbeing services to 4 different mar- kets: NECS CIC and NECS Private, NECS For Business, NECS For Schools and NECS For Counsellors throughout the North East of England.

The organisation has operated a basic "homegrown" website for some years. With advancing technology, changing consumer trends and the rapid evolution of the organisation itself, NECS now needs to completely redesign their website in order for it to align with the organisation's future goals and the requirements of its various different target audiences.

NECS needs a more sophisticates, easier to navigate website which functions as a powerful, informative marketing and communications tool to attract new clients, position itself as a thought leader in its sector and provide credibility to potential new stakeholders and investors.


Specifically, the new website needs to fulfil the following business needs:

Increase the number of new enquiries coming through via the website with a view to delivering NECS services to 500 clients within the next 12 months Clearly showcase all the different services provided to all 4 markets
Help raise NECS brand awareness nationally and across the North East

Also required is an intuitive content management system (CMS) that will allow NECS to easily manage its own website content and to quickly add new sections to the site as new provisions are created within their service portfolio.


The 4 different target audiences for the NECS website is defined as a) CIC and Private Clients b) Businesses c) Schools and d) Counsellors

The new website needs to assist these target audiences do the following:

  1. Quickly identify the service(s) they require
  2. Locate information about specific resources
  3. Learn more about the services provided
  4. Easily engage with the NECS team
  5. Discover upcoming NECS workshops and courses
  6. Learn about extra services provided by NECS
  7. Keep up to date with new developments
  8. Find directions to the different NECS office locations


We recommend the development of a completely new, completely restructured website, built from the ground up, with a custom design to convey the value that NECS adds to each of its 4 different audiences

The new website will be designed to:

  • Present NECS as the obvious choice for all 4 audiences
  • Provide NECS with a flexible marketing platform
  • Educate users and encourage them to get in touch
  • Provide users with all the information they need whilst in "research mode" • Inform users of upcoming workshop and courses

Additionally the following "behind the scenes" features will be built-in

  • Regular pings to Google, Yahoo and Bing
  • Google analytics performance reporting
  • High speed page loading
  • Anti-spam features on contact forms
  • Regular monthly software updates



The NECS website now owns a useful, valuable digital educational resource for existing clients, potential new clients, new business partners and staff to use.

Would you like something similar?

Let's get in touch! Drop us a line to say hello and we'll arrange an initial chat over the phone or via Zoom.

If we feel we can add value to your brand then we generally arrange a free in-depth consultation, face to face if possible. Complete this form and let's get the ball rolling...

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