Basic WordPress Maintenance Facts

How To help Your WordPress Website To Live Happy Ever After

Basic WP Maintenance considerations

If you are new to WordPress and you have just created your WordPress site, then there are multiple important things that you should keep in mind to maintain your website. WordPress is an excellent CMS and it will provide you an easy to use interface.

However, there are multiple important things that you need to keep in mind so you can get a better idea of how you to maintain your WordPress website.

You should always pay close attention to the overall security of your files and data stored on your website. Moreover, you will have to understand the importance of regular backups as well to maintain your website properly.

As a newbie to WordPress, you will have to take all those things into account that will help you maintain your WordPress website.When you are trying to do proper maintenance of your WordPress site, you should consider selecting the right theme and plugins and you should always focus on doing security checks every now and then.

We will be discussing all those important tips that will help you maintain your WordPress website. Here is how you can do proper WP maintenance to avoid all future problems.

Start by optimizing your database

Database optimizing is an absolute necessity when you are running a website on WordPress. You should know that the data can grow in the database over a certain period of time and you should always keep your database optimized so you don't have to face any speed and loading issues with your website. There are various plugins that you can use to optimize your database. WP-Optimize is one of the best database plugins that you can use. By optimizing the database, you will be able to avoid slow loading problems with your website. Make sure that you are also optimizing your website for improved SEO.

Consider regular backups

When you are trying to maintain your WordPress website, you should always consider taking regular backups of your website. There are tons of back up plugins that you can use to maintain your WordPress site. If you are taking regular backups, then it will become a lot easier for you to avoid problems later on. There are various WordPress backup plugins including UpdraftPlus and BackWPUp that will provide you the option of scheduled backups. You can easily get the backup of your website without going through any hassle. It is one of the most important things that you need to focus on when maintaining your WordPress website.

Always use updated software versions

One of the most important tips to keep in mind while maintaining your WordPress site is to use updated software versions. Make sure that you are keeping WordPress core up to date so you can avoid all the security problems. Same goes for the WordPress themes and plugins. If you are not updating the WordPress core, then potential hackers will find a way to crack into your WordPress website. Keep your WordPress core, themes, and plugins updated to avoid all the security problems. Moreover, you should only use reliable sources when installing themes and plugins.

Regular Security Scan

When you are trying to do proper maintenance of your WordPress site, then you should always consider regular security scans. You can install famous security plugins and perform regular security scan to make things better for your WordPress website. WordPress is an open source platform and if you are not paying close attention to the security of your website, then you are making a huge mistake. You can use security plugins like Sucuri Security and Wordfence to avoid all the problems.

Checking broken links

When you are using a WordPress website, the SEO becomes a lot easier. However, to improve the SEO and user experience, you should always keep checking the broken links. If you have lots of outbound links in your blog posts, then you should consider checking these links on a monthly basis. It will allow you to maintain your website and improve the user experience as well. You can also integrate your WordPress website with Google Search Console so you can be informed about the broken links while crawling your website.

Delete unused themes or plugins

Another important thing that you need to focus on is to delete unused themes and plugins. If you have installed free themes and plugins and you are not using them anymore, then you should consider deleting them. They are not just taking space but they can become a security loophole as well for the hackers. If you are using a nulled theme, then it can be very dangerous for your website. Make sure that you are never using any nulled version of a theme or a plugin. To keep your website fast and secure, you should consider deleting extra items on the website.

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