WordPress Training / WordPress admin
"How do I log in to my site?"
It's very easy! Start by typing in your blog or site's domain/url into your browser then add...
...at the end. Like so...
Hit <return> and you'll be taken to a login screen which looks something like this
Enter your Username or Email and Password(s) to log in to the WordPress administration system
HOT TIP You can also use the "tab" key on the keyboard to move into the "Password" field and make it active. |
Take care to make sure the details you enter into both of these fields exactly match the details correctly as if you get it wrong more than once or twice the system could lock you out for security reasons. The username is USUALLY case-sensitive (meaning that uppercase and lowercase letters are different) and the password is ALWAYS case-sensitive. You can place a tick in the box labeled "Remember Me" and the system will (probably) remember you to save you having to enter these details next time.
TECH TIP These details will be stored in the system memory until you empty your internet browser's memory or clear your history. It doesn't matter if you don't understand this all, what is important is that if you tick this box it can save you time in the future. |
Once you entered the correct details, click on the "Log In" button, or hit the <enter> or <return> key on your keyboard.FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD?If you have forgotten your password click on the text that reads "Lost your password?" and you will be taken to this screen:
Type your username or email address into the field and click on the "Get New Password" button. A new password will be emailed to you. Once you have your new password, login and you will see the WordPress Dashboard.
DONE : )