Which one is the best match for your Business: WordPress or WIX?


A lot of people are starting their own business these days. And as with all new ventures it's always best to begin the right way. Similarly, when it comes to your company's website you need to start it as you mean to go on using a strong CMS (content management system) platform.

Two of the most popular CMS options are WordPress and WIX. But which one is right for your business?


WordPress has been around for over 15 years now. It's always been one of the biggest names in web design. Currently there are some 75 million WordPress websites published globally.

Why do people like WordPress?

    • It has a good track record: You can see all sorts of reviews (professional and personal) so that you can get a good feel for how it would work with your own business-to-be.  This is great for those who are looking for something they can really get to know.


    • You don't need to have experience with HTML: A huge turn off for the inexperienced web designer is the use of HTML or other sophisticated software that are required when formatting a website and its pages. WordPress takes care of all of that by doing it all behind the scenes and simply allowing you to focus on creating pages, adding images and publishing them without immersing yourself in the admittedly chaotic world of HTML.


    • It's a great search engine booster: Since the goal of putting your website up there is to get it noticed, WordPress makes it easy on you. Due to its long-term status, search engines work seamlessly with this platform's code. This all means that your website will be indexed easier and faster.  You can even add to that by easily using meta tags or image descriptions.


    • The site can grow alongside your business: Yet another perk is that WordPress isn't a "one size fits all" options. It works with you as a small business and grows as you do.  You can get your feet wet in a supportive environment and then expand the website when you and your business are ready to do.  WordPress will adapt and shift as you ask it to, helping you to grow at your own pace.



WIX is often thought to be the simplest starting point being is well-known for being streamlined and focused visually and easy to use. As soon as you open an account with WIX their system will will ask you a series of targeted questions in order to provide you with a website theme which is tailored to your business needs. It may be very basic, but some people prefer this.

What so good about WIX?

    • Edit the mobile view until you like it: Since mobile viewing is critical to get right with most of the world researching and shopping on their smartphones, the mobile version of your website is where you'll want to tweak the most. WIX focuses on adaptability here, allowing users to change, shift and tweak to their heart's content.  If you're looking specifically at mobile viewing, this is a great feature.


    • Add all sorts of features: From adding a blog, to putting together an online store, to booking appointments, WIX focuses on allowing you to make your website the way you want to. You start with the basics and then add on as you find a need developing.  Or, change as your business does.  It's all there at your fingertips.


    • Designed for users of all skill levels: WIX is designed to work with both newbies and experienced professionals alike. From the initial sign-up questionnaire to the new websites' overall design, it's a user-friendly experience all-around.


WordPress vs WIX

They both sound great, but which is better?  The best way to determine that for your needs is to put them head to head and see which one comes out the winner on the other side.

    • Overall flexibility / scalability: WordPress takes the prize here, with its ability to offer a customised website for your needs with as much breathing space as you need. Whereas many people find WIX a little restricting in this department, you can do so much with WordPress


    • Design ease of use: WIX is simplest because it doesn't rely on plugins or other add-ons, whereas the more sophisticated WordPress plugins available can add complication to the new website owner's site building experience.


    • Website extras: When looking at plug-ins and other additional features for a website, WordPress reigns champion once again. Since it's been around for a while, it has thousands and thousands of extra options available that you can add to your website in order to make it into the best version of itself.


When looking at both WIX and WordPress, both offer pros and cons.  Everyone's experience and expectations are different, of course, so these platforms both need to be considered.  When looking specifically for an easy, sophisticated and established platform, WordPress comes out over WIX.  It's true that WordPress can be a little tricky at the start, especially for the first time user, but the all the other other benefits and extra features can't be ignored.  For a small business looking for the right CMS platform, we feel WordPress always offers the most potential.

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