What Are WordPress Website Care Plans and Does My WordPress Website Really Need One?
Your website is a crucial part of yout business. It generates leads, customers and revenue - or at least it should! It's a channel through which customers, suppliers, potential new staff and partners will find you and engage with you online. It is fundamental to the success of your business and you want peace of mind that it will be up and available for your audience 24/7 without interruption.
All software is vulnerable
Software always needs updating. Not just WORDPRESS software. All software. Including the software that powers your website. Your competitors are waking up (or maybe leading the way) and innovating with new websites and online strategies. The world is getting smaller as more of us connect to the web and that means that it is only going to get harder to keep up, let alone stay ahead of the pack. More and more websites are getting hacked and attacked (not just WordPress websites either) including the big players like the BBC, Twitter and Facebook as well as millions of small businesses everyday. It's the nature of the world we live in and unfortunately websites are an easy target...
"Considering the amount of malicious activity that takes place on the internet, it's no surprise that successful attacks on WordPress sites are launched across a wide variety of vectors. Whether outdated plugin code is to blame, or password reuse, or any number of other security flaws, no site owner sets out to introduce a vulnerability into their environment " WORDFENCE SECURITY NEWS
Can I do it myself?
DIY? Not ideal. Keeping your website up to date, backed up and secure can be time consuming and a little tedious. It takes you away from what you should be doing, which is building relationships with your customers, staff and partners. The technology continues to evolve and there is no way you can keep abreast of all the latest consumer trends and security developments.
Generic help
If you manage your own website then you'll know are several of options for you to keep your website managed and up to date supplied by the company that hosts it for you, granted you have made some kind of arrangement with them previously. Such companies do it for THOUSANDS of customers every day. That means they are experienced. It also means they might not be paying attention to the finer details of your particular website and business needs like we can.
We've been using WORDPRESS for over 10 years now and all of our websites (including our own) are running on the same software. So we like to think we know a thing or two about what makes WordPress tick! Actually we are in the best position to keep your website up and running and open for business and we can do that with one of our Website Care Plans
What do we offer?
We'll do all the laborious nitty gritty stuff you don't want to so you can just enjoy being a superhero to Your Audience. Think of us as the Robin to your Batman! We will perform an unlimited number of small tasks on your website (behind the scenes) throughout the month to make sure every piece of functionality, content and code is perfect in every way. Whilst you focus on the day job. We currently offer 3 different care plans. Our GOLD and PLATINUM plans also include a monthly time allowance for more "design-led" things like Content Updates and general (layout) modification. So you know your website will be well-looked-after backstage and it'll look great for your visitors too.
More peace of mind for you
We work for you behind the scenes. So you don't have to. Working with us means your website will continue to drive attention and customers into your business, at a fraction of the time and cost it would take to do it yourself. We're happy to give you barrow loads of references and testimonials from our WordPress clients.
We've got a lot on
NOT complaining. GOOD WEB DEVELOPERS like us are flat out these days doing all manner of things digital. And it doesn't look like it's going to change...
We need to know more about you
We're only interested in working with clients who understand the value their website adds to their business. Hence we have made our website care plans available by application only. Take a look at our WORDPRESS WEBSITE CARE PLANS today. You'll find the application form. NB This service is designed to offer you peace of mind and the assurance that you have a skilled partner who can help you achieve your online objectives.